Eighth day in Cork

Napisane przez Justyna Gorska

15 sierpnia 2016

And the last week in Cork has began…

Today I joined new group. I met a Geogre, the Teacher and many people from France. I think it will be a great experience for me because of French accent which is so hard….

After the lesson I was enjoying a great weather and decided to go to City Cork Goal.


The Cork City Goal (Irish name – Príosún Chorcaí) was a prison and is situated in Sunday’s Well. Sir Thomas Deane was responsible for project of this prison. The Príosún Chorcaí was opened in 1824.


Every prisoner who went to the prison had to take a bath and was deloused.


The most important person in City Cork Goal was governor. John Barry Murphy was a first governor. He earned a lot of money and had quite nice life in the prison with his family.


Nine of the guards watched over the prisoners. If anyone tried to escape his clothes were taken.


If prisoner was sick, Dr Beamish took care of him.


Many prisoners were often convicted for robbery. Thomas Raile was cursed with robbery a few books. He had to say alone in his cell, pray a lot and think about his guilt.


Mary Ann Twoigh went to the prison as 16 years old woman, because she stole a hat and a kitchenware. She wanted to sell these things to get some money. She had been pregnant when she went to the prison. After she gave birth to her baby her child died.


Mary Mcdonnell was convicted because she beat her children and she drank too much.


Many prisoners were punished for physical penalty like this 9 year old boy who was a pickpocet. The punishment for his crime was lash.


 Prisoners very often were convicted for many different punishments e.g lash, rack, pillory even death penalty for haltering!


Seriously, it wasn’t a nice feeling to be pilloried.

The good thing in the prison was eating.


Prisoners wete given enough food because they had to work very hard.


Prisoners had to live in silence. Even during their walks,  they couldn’t speak to each other.


So if they couldn’t speak they wrote their names and prayers on the walls.




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